Dillon Gallery’s Makoto Fujimura Exhibition, ‘Golden Sea’

By Julie Hamilton
"Walking on Water- Waves," (2012)
Azurite on Canvas with Polished Gesso, 84 x 132 inches
NEW YORK---Trained in the techniques of Japanese Nihonga, Makoto Fujimura offers a seasoned yet innovative vision in his upcoming exhibition "Golden Sea" at Dillon Gallery, with vanguard approaches to traditional materials. Originally intended as a response to the devastating Japanese tsunami in 2011, the Walking on Water series became a reality for Fujimura as he waded through the flooded Dillon Gallery this past October, losing numerous works. Yet the “walking on water” reference alludes to more than the event of Sandy. For Fujimura, it is also an encounter with the impossible, even the miraculous, an ability to maintain peace amidst the storm. [link]
"Walking on Water-Banquo's Dream"
"Golden Sea"


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