Pakistani Artists Under Assault by Islamic Extremists

By Anam
Reproductions of paintings by Pakistani artist Muhammad Ali
of Islamic clerics with Boys in homoerotic poses (photo: Queerty)
PAKISTAN -- By looking at Pakistan through a despondent narrow light, people restrict themselves from appreciating the region’s innate beauty. Pakistan’s grandeur can be found in its spectacular northern mountain ranges, rich heritage, vibrant culture, delectable food, and a booming art market that has grown to become a foundation of national pride. This booming creative market has recently come under scrutiny from extremist groups, who criticize various facets of artistic expression to be offensive to Islamic beliefs. For instance, in January 2012 Jamaat ul Dawa, a notorious religious party, accused Pakistan’s leading arts college of committing blasphemy. This is a serious accusation, because blasphemy is a crime that has been punishable by death in Pakistan since the 1980s. [link]


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