Poland Unveils World's Tallest Statue of Pope John Paul II

The world's tallest statue of late pope John Paul II was unveiled Saturday.
POLAND---The world's tallest statue of late Pope John Paul II was unveiled Saturday in the Polish city of Czestochowa, already home to a Catholic icon believed to work miracles. The heavily Catholic country's tribute to its pontiff, who died in 2005, shows him with arms outstretched and all in white save for a gold cross around his neck. It weighs 10 tonnes and is 13.8 metres (45.3 feet) high, surpassing the 12-metre likeness in Chile, project originator Leszek Lyson told AFP in the southern city. The statue stands paradoxically in a miniature park, which includes reproductions of sacred sites like the Lourdes shrine in France. [link]


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