Religious Arts Calendar Maker Celebrates 100 Years In Business

By Ernest Disney-Britton

INDIANA---The leading funeral stationery manufacturer in North America, Messenger LLC is commemorating its 100(th) anniversary in business. The company was founded on March 24, 1913, by Frank M. Messenger, a deeply religious man who first introduced Sacred Art Religious Calendars before focusing the company's resources on funeral stationery products. Frank Messenger was 61 years old when he began to manufacture religious scripture-verse calendars. Messenger LLC, headquartered in Auburn, Indiana, has been in business since 1913 and has grown to be the most innovative manufacturer of funeral stationery products in North America. Among a long list of their innovations include an extensive line of funeral stationery products featuring the art of Thomas Kinkade, known as the "Painter of Light."


A fortune started simply. Christian calendars.