Inspired by Buddhist principles, an exhibition of new works by Takashi Murakami opened in Los Angeles this week just as notions of "impermanence" were shaping human experiences from North Korea to Boston.  There are three basic tenets of Buddhism: (1) nothing is fixed or permanent; (2) actions have consequences; and (3) change is possible. Unlike Hindu and Abrahamic traditions, it does not include the idea of worshipping a creator God; but its goal of reaching "Enlightenment" or "Buddhahood" where an individual (Arhat: Saint) sees the nature of reality absolutely clearly, and lives fully in accordance with that vision is consistent with other religions. My exploration of world religions through art makes Takashi Murakami's "Arhat" series (above), my NEWS OF WEEK.

In other religious art news from across the USA, and around the world:
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