Muslim ‘Prayer Rooms’ by Ammar Al Attar at Saudi Arabian Art Gallery

Ammar Al Attar, Jeddah, Al Sawareekh Market, 2012,
42x52,4 cm, Lambda C-Print / Courtesy of Athr Gallery and the Artist
SAUDI ARABIA---A photo exhibition 'Prayer Rooms' [is now open] at Athr Gallery in Jeddah. A photographer Ammar Al Attar surveys prayer rooms across Jeddah. Mandated in public buildings by national legislation, these informal worship areas are ubiquitous, providing the faithful a place for their five prayers a day regardless of their location. The exhibition will run until June 13, 2013. The viewer experiences the artist’s perspective of these rooms as they are. [link]


The image of the prayer room on the airplane is what struck me, as most strange and most obvious.

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