Warhol Foundation Grants Opportunity for Defending Artist Rights

Ernest Disney-Britton

A&O Rule #9 is "Never Censor to Defend," and the people at The Andy Warhol Foundation for Visual Arts have a deep-seated commitment to defending the First Amendment rights of artists. Grants are provided to curatorial programs at museums, artists' organizations, and other cultural institutions to originate innovative and scholarly presentations of contemporary visual arts. Projects may include exhibitions, catalogues, and other relevant activities. The deadline for the Foundation's Wynn Kramarsky Freedom of Artistic Expression Award is September 1, 2013. Visit the Foundation’s website to review the grant guidelines: http://www.warholfoundation.org/grant/overview.html.


I can imagine a grant that balances the artistic freedom of those who desire to explore religious ideas.
Great news! The Indianapolis Museum of Contemporary Art was awarded one of these $50,000 grants.