Quietly Blind, or Bold Like Bartimaeus

By Ernest Disney-Britton
"The Miracle of Christ Healing the Blind" by El Greco at Metropolitan Museum of Art
They couldn't stop Bartimaeus from shouting, because the blind man saw a chance for his miracle. Sunday's sermon was artful and colorful; loud and impactful; and made the point that if you want that transformational change that's waiting, then boldy step forward. Bartimeaus was blind. I am 30-lbs over weight (205-lbs). Bartimaeus tossed-off the cloak of the familiar that weighed him down, and he walked toward what he wanted most. Because of Sunday's sermon, I too am tossing aside my cloak; and in 15 weeks (Dec. 1), I too will see a new me --- just like Bartimaeus.
"Jesus healing blind Bartimaeus" (1861) by Johann Heinrich Stöver


12 miles on bike; 2 eggs for breakfast; a farmhouse salad for lunch; one hard-boiled egg for afternoon snack with cheese; and bacon and eggs for dinner. Not bad for first 24 hours.
Day 7 - Yesterday was good, and focused (Today is #8 weighin: 200-lbs). I gave a great talk on DOMA at church, and then we went out to dinner at LOGANS where I had grilled steak & chicken plus ceasar salad and brocolli. Later that night at movie, I had a hotdog (no bun), but I wa pretty tired. Loosing 5-lbs in one week is hard, and I've yet to introduce exercise. I'm happy though with week #1.
Day 21 - 197-lbs on this morning of my 54th birthday. I am down 8-lbs in less than a month, and my energy levels have climbed back to normal. Just finished a eggs & sausage for breakfast, but yesterday I also had one-potato chip (Carol offered) and one-candy (Tony & Gary). They were gifts but otherwise, other than peanuts I'm doing well. The lethargy of the sugar withdrawal however has finally passed. That's been tough but necessary, and I'm not going back. On the clothing front, my pants are fitting again. Amazing the difference 8-lbs can make. Now I have 12-more to go by Dec. 1st. (Source: "you'll quickly discover that sugar cravings are the simplest of the many different sugar withdrawal symptoms, which can include headaches, lethargy, emotional distress, anger and even nausea can all be symptoms of sugar withdrawal." - Sugar Withdrawal, WikiHow http://www.wikihow.com/Get-Through-Sugar-Withdrawal)

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