Faith-Based Group That Introduced "Idea" for National Underground Railroad Freedom Center to Close

By Lucy May

OHIO---A nonprofit that has been working for nearly 70 years to make Greater Cincinnati a more welcoming place for people of all races and religious faiths will cease operations by early September. BRIDGES for a Just Community announced on Tuesday afternoon that it would be closing, saying the nonprofit never fully recovered financially from the economic downturn that began in 2008. Its two major fundraisers, an annual dinner in May and a walk in October, haven't been able to generate as much money as they did in the past. In 1994, BRIDGES, which was founded as the Cincinnati chapter of the National Conference of Christians and Jews, introduced and organized the campaign to build the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center. [link]


Being open about the fundraising is good but the lack of success does not tell us "why" they've not been successful. I have my own theories.