House Republican's Propose 50% Cut for National Endowment for the Arts

By Andrew Taylor
Also targeted are National Endowment for Humanities Funds 
which supported symposia such as "Sacred Spain" in Indianapolis
WASHINGTON, DC---House Republicans Monday proposed slashing cuts to environmental programs and funding for the Smithsonian Institution and the arts as they unveiled the latest legislation to implement the second year of budget cuts required under so-called sequestration. The $24 billion spending measure would gut the budget of the Environmental Protection Agency with a one-third cut and cuts the National Endowments for the Arts by almost half. Overall, the measure funding the Interior Department, EPA, national parks and federal firefighting efforts is cut by 19 percent below funding approved in March. [link]


It's as if they live in their own lonely world of cut, cut, cut and ignore the rest of the world. I feel sorry for them.