Made Djirna, a Phenomenon in Balinese Art

By Richard Horstman
"Logic of Ritual" (July 2013)
BALI--- For his July 5-10th exhibition at Sangkring Art Gallery in Yogyakarta Balinese artist Made Djirna was prepared to scrutinize his own religion. His paintings and installations in “The Logic of Ritual” protest the numerous Balinese Hindu rituals, which, according to the artist, are now driven by contemporary commercialism. Djirna criticizes the relationship of money (his works often feature Chinese coins) to Hindu religious rituals, which he deems to be increasingly more glamorous and luxurious. Djirna dedicated his exhibition to the plight of the impoverished in Bali, who suffer in silence while paying excessively for the staging of rituals that demand perfection. [link]


Exciting work is surging out of The tiny nation of Bali, and Made is one of the leaders.