Supreme Leader Meets Iranian, Foreign Poets, Artists

Supreme Leaser of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei
IRAN--- Poets from Afghanistan, Tajikistan and India who write poems in the Persian language as well as Iranian veteran and young poets and men of literature met with Ayatollah Khamenei on Tuesday evening. During the meeting, Ayatollah Khamenei said that men of art and literature are shouldering heavy burdens regarding the Islamic Revolution and the basic issues of the country. The Supreme Leader also suggested the poets and artists to use Islamic teachings, lifestyle and thoughts in their works to make people familiar with the Islamic values. Referring to the values of the Islamic Revolution as a source of inspiration for other nations, particularly in resisting world bullying powers, the Ayatollah also urged men of literature to echo revolutionary values in their works. [link]


Kudos for the the Ayatollah for reaching out to the artistic community. Pope Benedict also launched a similar campaign in 2011, and the presence of the Vatican at the Venice Biennial is a direct result of the recognition that Art Matters in the politics of religion, as well as the spiritual aspects of religion.

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