Virgin and Child Enthroned’ by Pedro Berruguete Goes on Display at the Museo del Prado

Virgin and Child enthroned, Pedro Berruguete. Oil on panel, 61 x 44 cm. ca. 1500. Depósito del Ayuntamiento de Madrid, 2013
SPAIN---In the presence of Miguel Zugaza, Director of the Museo del Prado, Concepción Dancausa, Deputy Mayoress and regional minister of Finance, and Pedro Corral, regional minister of Arts, Sport and Tourism, José Pedro Pérez-Llorca, President of the Royal Board of Trustees of the Museo Nacional del Prado, and Ana Botella, Mayoress of Madrid, today signed agreement that will allow for the display at the Prado of Virgin and Child enthroned by Pedro Berruguete. The painting, which has been on display in the Museo de San Isidro, will be shown in Room 57B at the Prado, which is one of the world’s leading art museums, fully contextualised within its period and within the Prado’s museological discourse. This deposit will last for five years and can be extended, as established in the terms of the agreement signed by the two institutions.... [link]


The beauty of this work is the loving relationship of mother and child. What's wrong with this work is that the painters had not yet developed an ability to capture the difference between little adult bodies and the bodies of babies. It comes though.

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