Coalition to Defeat Indiana's Marriage Discrimination Amendment Has Republican Campaign Manager

By Jon Murray

INDIANA---Opponents of the effort to add a ban on gay marriage to the Indiana constitution say they will announce a new coalition Wednesday [August 21stthat comes with bipartisan firepower. The kickoff for the coalition, called Freedom Indiana, comes as gay-rights groups and allies gear up for the fight next year in the General Assembly — and, if necessary, at the ballot box. Several groups .... joined at noon [August 21st] in Downtown Indianapolis’ Artsgarden by supportive companies, including Eli Lilly and Co. and Cummins. Also on hand will be a new campaign manager who is a veteran of Republican campaigns. Freedom Indiana will be run by Megan Robertson, the group said. She managed last year’s winning campaign of U.S. Rep. Luke Messer, R-Ind., an opponent of gay marriage, and was his communications director until recently. [link]


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