Pakistani Art by Imran Qureshi Takes on NYC in MOMA’s Roof Garden Commission

By Aseem Kulkarni
The painting installation set against Central Park and the Manhattan skyline
provides a stark contrast and sets a morose but hopeful atmosphere.
NEW YORK: Pakistan, one of the largest Islamic republics in the world, is continually characterized by extreme violence and poverty, religious fanaticism, conflicts with neighboring countries, and no faith in government rule. However, Pakistani artist Imran Qureshi has found a visual outlet to provide hope out of the ever present bloodshed and turmoil. Even though the most recent Boston Marathon Massacre has evoked many feelings similar to the effect of September 11, to the South Asian community, whether you are from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, etc., violence and terrorism are sadly, common occurences. The exhibit is on view on the rooftop garden of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York (weather permitting) until November 3. [link]

Qureshi takes a “paint dripping” approach similar to Jackson Pollock to
depict an emotional response to the blood spattering in the bombings throughout Lahore.


I am sad that it will be gone before my next visit to NYC.