Art is a Necessity for Teaching Religious Rules, Says Ayatollah Hamedani

"Magnetism" by Saudi artist Ahmed Mater depicts the Kaaba in Mecca
IRAN---The Islamic Jurisprudent, Ayatollah Hussein Nouri Hamedani underscored the telling role of art to proselytize Non-Muslims to the divine religion of Islam. The religious cleric mentioned that using art for introducing the teachings and instruction of Islam and it is incumbent upon officials to give special attention to this realm. To the religious cleric, Art, its eye catching nature, have important effect on promotion of Islamic rules and doctrines. Qom Seminary instructor urged Islamic clerics not to turn a blind eye to this field, all the same using it to fulfill their religious objectives. Ayatollah Hussein Nouri Hamedani also warned about misusing art and called on Muslims to be more vigilant about this issue, taking their steps in the right track. [link]
