5 Features of Islamic Culture

By Dr. Muzammil H. Siddiqi
Islam is a comprehensive and global religion. It covers every aspect of life. The greatest beauty of Islam is in its culture. Here I would like to talk about the salient features of Islamic culture. Many people think that culture means art, music or some social habits. The word “culture” has many meanings. In Arabic it is called “thaqafah.” The culture is defined as patterns of behavior and thinking that people living in social groups learn, create, and share. Culture distinguishes one human group from others. Islam has a distinct culture. [link]

Some characteristics of Islamic culture:
  1. God-centered or theocentric.
  2. Egalitarian, tolerant and fraternal.
  3. Dignifying and moralistic.
  4. Dynamic, progressive, world affirming and not world-denying or ascetic.
  5. Non-exclusivist but Da`wah-oriented and optimistic.


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