A World of Colors: Artist Gayatri Shantaram Celebrate the Universe

Mandala exhibition of paintings by artist Gayatri Shantaram at
Contemplate Art Gallery in Coimbatore. Photo: M. Periasamy
INDIA---Artist Gayatri Shantaram’s paintings celebrate the universe. Black is a defining colour in artist Gayatri Shantaram’s work. The other predominant colours are white, red, blue or purple. Her ongoing exhibition Mandala at Contemplate Art Gallery is a celebration of the universe. “Mandala represents a circle or the universe. It showcases a little bit of my universe. All my paintings have a focal point, a circle often represented as the sun or the moon that encompasses a square (the canvas). In our Indian temple structures, a number of squares lead up to the garbagraha. The Tibetan Mandala comprises of a square within the circle. The Mandala collection constitutes what I am,” she says. [link]


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