Exhibit Transforms Haiti’s Cultural, Religious Remnants into Art

By Jason Klose
From a collection of sequin-adorned Vodou flags, above,
and works made from metal oil drums, cover, in the exhibit 
PENNSYLVANI---An exhibit featuring sequined flags and steel sculptures from the Republic of Haiti has set up temporary residence at the Windows on the World Gallery at the Bellefonte Art Museum. The exhibit, All That Gleams and Glistens: Sequin and Metal Art from Haiti," reflects a complex history of the island nation including African, French, Catholic and tribal traditions. The exhibit features works by 20 to 25 Haitian artists and includes metal-cut pieces and ceremonial flags and fabrics adorned with sequins and eye-catching colors and designs. [link]

Bellefonte Art Museum for Centre County: “All That Gleams and Glistens: Sequin and Metal Art from Haiti" (End Nov. 30); 133 N. Allegheny St., Bellefonte, PA; 814-355-4280; bellefontemuseum.org


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