Faith and art battle in ‘My Name Is Asher Lev’ in Coral Gables, FL

By Christian Dolen
Etai BenShlomo plays a young artist, Avi Hoffman his mentor and Laura Turnbull
an art dealer in Aaron Posner's 'My Name Is Asher Lev' at GableStage. George Schiavone
FLORIDA---The best playwrights -- Tennessee Williams, August Wilson, Tony Kushner and Nilo Cruz are just a few from a long list -- create richly specific worlds laced with more broadly resonant themes. One needn’t be of those worlds to be transported by their stories and connect deeply with the issues the playwrights are exploring. In adapting Chaim Potok’s 1972 novel My Name Is Asher Lev for the stage, Aaron Posner tries to conjure that magic mixture of specificity and universality. The play examines the lifelong emotional tug-of-war between Asher and his father, and between religious beliefs and artistic principles that run counter to those beliefs. [link]


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