Freedom to Marry Everywhere: Now Comes the Hard Part

By Evan Wolfson and Mary Ann Bonauto
Gay rights rally(Photo: AP)
For the two of us, November is a month of milestones in the work to win the freedom to marry for all couples across America. Earlier this month, Hawaii's governor signed into law a freedom to marry bill overwhelmingly approved by the legislature – 20 years after the Hawaii Supreme Court ruling in Baehr v. Lewin declaring the exclusion of gay people from marriage presumptively unconstitutional and sending the case back for a trial. And this month marks 10 years since the historic ruling of the Massachusetts high court in Goodridge v. Dept. of Public Health, the case that finally made marriage a reality for same-sex couples in our country and significantly accelerated the progress of the past decade. As we celebrate anniversaries and create new milestones, let's be sure not to take our victory lap too soon. It's time to finish the job. [link]


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