Gap's Ad With Sikh Model Waris Ahluwalia Defaced With Racist Graffiti, Drawing Incredible Response From Company

NEW YORK---This is how the Internet is supposed to work. Arsalan Iftikhar, senior editor at The Islamic Monthly and founder of, posted a picture to his Twitter and Facebook wall of a defaced subway advertisement for Gap featuring Sikh actor and jewelry designer Waris Ahluwalia. He told The Huffington Post, "I wanted the world to see how millions of brown people are viewed in America today." The next day, Gap tweeted back at Iftikhar to find out the location of the ad, which is part of its holiday "#MakeLove" campaign featuring a wide variety of diverse models. But that wasn't all. The company proceeded to change its Twitter background to the picture of Ahluwalia, to show solidarity and support.[link]


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