Jesus is Coming and He is Pissed in Exclusive “PRINCE OF PIECES” Art

By Michael Gingold
PUBLISHING---“For two thousand years you’ve been eating his flesh and drinking his blood…now it’s His turn!” So goes the tagline for PRINCE OF PIECES, a graphic novel targeting an early-2014 release date. Read on for exclusive art samples and comments from its creator. Creator Sam Miserendino tells us that the comic “is a satirical horror story about the return of Jesus Christ. In PRINCE OF PIECES, the Son of God is mad as hell, and he disposes of sinners great and small with Biblical panache. Those He encounters suffer gruesome fates: Some are afflicted with leprosy and stigmata, while others are turned into pillars of salt. Since it would make the perfect basket stuffer, we want to make sure PRINCE OF PIECES is available in plenty of time for Easter.”[link]
