Federal Judge Rules Indiana Marriage Ban Unconstitutional

INDIANA---Today U.S. District Judge Richard Young ruled that Indiana’s state law denying same-sex couples the freedom to marry violates the U.S. Constitution, becoming the latest of more than 20 federal and state judges to rule in favor of the freedom to marry in recent months. Evan Wolfson, president of Freedom to Marry, released the following statement:m"Judge Young held today that there is no justification for denying same-sex couples the freedom to marry, the latest in a unanimous wave of favorable rulings over the past few months. The judge noted the harm marriage discrimination inflicts on Indiana families, while benefiting no one. With more than 70 marriage cases pending and a strong majority of Americans backing the freedom to marry, today's decision out of the heartland underscores that America is ready for the Supreme Court to bring an end to marriage discrimination once and for all." [link]


The court has never witnessed a phenomenon throughout the federal court system as is presented with this issue. In less than a year, every federal district court to consider the issue has reached the same conclusion in thoughtful and thorough opinions – laws prohibiting the celebration and recognition of same-sex marriages are unconstitutional. It is clear that the fundamental right to marry shall not be deprived to some individuals based solely on the person they choose to love. In time, Americans will look at the marriage of couples such as Plaintiffs, and refer to it simply as a marriage – not a same-sex marriage. These couples, when gender and sexual orientation are taken away, are in all respects like the family down the street. The Constitution demands that we treat them as such.
The ruling is the 21st consecutive victory in state and federal court for the freedom to marry since the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling in Windsor v. United States in June 2013. The ruling is the 17th win in federal court for marriage since June and comes just one day before the landmark first anniversary of the Windsor ruling. The decision was issued in Baskin v. Bogan, a federal marriage case brought by Lambda Legal. Previously, Judge Young granted emergency relief for one same-sex couple by respecting their marriage.
"Today's ruling confirms the beliefs of many of our members that the federal court can overturn state law and, ultimately, the federal court could overturn a state constitutional measure. It validates a concern of many of our members who felt strongly that pursuing a constitutional amendment was not a good use of time and resources."
The Church upholds the dignity of every human person, including persons with same-sex attraction, whom we accept and love as our brothers and sisters. At the same time, the Church upholds the dignity and sanctity of marriage as a natural union established by God between one man and one woman, intended towards the establishment of a family in which children are born, raised, and nurtured." The bishops explain that because God is its author, "it is not within the power of any institution, religious or secular to redefine marriage."

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