Gay Marriages in Indiana 2014 (Slideshow)

By Mark A. Lee
Ernest Britton and Greg Disney hold hands as Beth White
officiates their wedding on Wednesday. Their union was originally
blessed on January 28, 2008 at Life Journey Church in Indianapolis.
INDIANA---Chief Judge Richard Young's historic decision on marriage equality in Indiana opened up the doors to over a thousand Hoosiers getting married on Wednesday June 25th, 2014. The City County Building in Downtown Indianapolis stayed open past 10PM to perform ceremonies. [Slide Show]


So, what happens to a marriage over the course of 10 years? Make that a gay marriage.

On May 23, 2004, The New York Times printed 41 wedding announcements that included 5 same-sex couples, the first legal gay marriages to appear in these pages. (It began publishing same-sex “celebrations” two years earlier.)

Earlier that week, Massachusetts had become the first state to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples. Nineteen states and the District of Columbia do so now and on Wednesday, a federal appeals court struck down Utah’s same-sex marriage ban.

So, where are those first five couples now? Three live in Massachusetts, one moved from Boston to Washington, D.C., and one is in Brooklyn. They have a total of five children, with three born in wedlock. The men and women involved are now 41 to 58 years old. Four couples are still together, one isn’t.

And how did a marriage license change their lives? Some couples talked about how it made everyday headaches like tax and insurance forms go away. One said their lives didn’t change at all. And two couples said they ended up being transformed in ways they had not expected.

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