India Celebrates History, Religion, Rivers and Art Through Festivals

By Rashmi Henriques
Most Indian festival have their roots in either religion or mythology,
there are also fun festivals like Pushkar Fair, held in Rajasthan
INDIA---Festivals have gathered together millions of people on the streets, strengthen bonds with family and friends and made us believe in the triumph of good over evil. Religious festivals, melas, fairs create memorable moments and everlasting friendships. Don't we all have a cousin, colleague or friend who wants to visit India during jubilant days such as Holi, Kumbh Mela and Rath Yatra. The joy of the festival is extended beyond the significant days, the preparations, night long discussions on the decoration of the pandals add to the experience. As most Indian festival have their roots in either religion or mythology, there are also fun festivals like Pushkar Fair, traditionally an annual five-day camel and livestock fair held in Rajasthan. [link]
