Islamic Artist Trying to Change Thinking About Being Gay And Muslim

By Brandon Ambrosino
Promotional poster for 'Just Me and Allah.'
When Samra Habib started attending art shows as a teenager, she quickly realized something: queer Muslims are seriously underrepresented in art. As a result, she says, many Muslims "don't have the cultural understanding about how to talk about these issues — they just don't have the tools." Habib decided to try to correct this problem with a photography exhibition that opened this week at Toronto's Parliament Street Library. The exhibition, titled Just Me and Allah: Photographs of Queer Muslims, features ten close-up photographs of out queer Muslims from all over the world. Habib's subjects represent a "range of religious beliefs." Some of them pray five times a day, while others merely observe certain holidays. All of them, however, have two things in common: they were raised in Islam, and they currently identify as queer.[link]


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