Opening Today! Wild Goose Festival Puts Spotlight on Christian Visual Arts

By Amanda Greene | Religion News Service
NORTH CAROLINA---Words and music are the stock-in-trade at most Christian festivals, but the Wild Goose Festival is adding another component: the visual arts. This year’s progressive Christian smorgasbord of culture, justice and spiritual exchange June 26-29 in Hot Springs, N.C., near Asheville, will feature plenty of speakers. Keynoters include newsmakers such as the Rev. William Barber, leader of the state’s Moral Mondays campaign; Jim Wallis, poverty activist and founder of Sojourners magazine; and Frank Schaefer, the United Methodist minister who was defrocked in December for performing his son’s same-sex wedding. But as with last year, the festival is making an intentional shift to include more visual art; more than 13 artists and arts groups will present their work. [link]


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