Pat Robertson Says Tattoos, Even Christian Ones, Are 'Heathen'

By Michael Gryboski
Pastor Chris Seay of the Ecclesia community at Montrose Church in Houston, Texas.
Televangelist Pat Robertson has weighed in on whether or not Christians should get tattoos, stating that it is a "heathen practice" to get a tattoo. On a Wednesday installment of the long running program "The 700 Club," Robertson was asked by a viewer about his opinion on Christians getting tattoos. During the "Bring It On" segment of the program, a viewer named "Glenn" asked about whether or not a Christian tattoo was acceptable. Robertson responded that "it doesn't make it OK, because it's religious, believe me." He then asserted that getting tattoos is a "heathen practice." "You look at the Bible, the people are told not to mark their bodies and cut themselves like the heathen did. Tattooing is a heathen practice, it is not a Christian practice." In some Christian circles, tattoos have become an increasingly acceptable way of expressing one's religious convictions. [link]
