Pew Report Inspires Jewish Theatrics, Literally

By  Hannah Dreyfus

NEW YORK---The 2013 Pew Research's Center's "Portrait of Jewish Americans" painted a rather gloomy picture, reporting 22 percent of Jews describe themselves as having "no religion." However, PEW-ish, an unusual new project designed to expand the conversation about Jewish identity, has decided to take a more proactive approach--on the stage. On June 26, Pew-ish will launch a special dramatic production of 10 new plays written by well-known playwrights including Bekah Brunsetter (ABC's Switched at Birth, upcoming “Cutie and Bear” at Roundabout Theatre), Jonathan Caren (“The Recommendation” at the Flea) and Anna Ziegler (“Photograph 51” at Theatre J). [link]

The first event will take place at the Loft at Judson Memorial Church in New York.


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