Stay on Same-Sex Ruling Leaves Gay Couples With Questions

By Emily Longnecker - Bio | Email 
Ernest & Gregory Disney-Britton, co-founders of
Alpha & Omega Project for Contemporary Religious Arts
INDIANA---Members of the gay community are upset with Friday's appeals court stay of the ruling that allowed same-sex marriage in Indiana. They see it as a fight to protect their rights and this ruling calls that into question. The ink was barely dry on their marriage license from Wednesday when Ernest and Greg Disney-Britton learned other gay couples still wanting to get married would have to wait. "That's why its even more of a letdown, because it was unexpected to even happen and then you rip it away," said Greg. "I thank God for Wednesday and Wednesday's going to come again," Ernest added. It has to, they said, and they believe most Hoosiers agree with them. [link]

Watch Video: [Same-sex couple reacts to stay]


If this piece changes even one heart it was well worth it!
Ginger & Don Bievenour said…
You both spoke so well and with such hope. I applaud your ability to be gracious under what is surely a very stressful situation.

With our admiration and love,
Don and Ginger
i love this interview, ernest... you both spoke so well and while expressing the rightful sense of disappointment and unfairness, also exuded optimism, hope, and dignity. very, very good -- and you both looked great, too.

mazel tov on the wedding and all of this... and wednesday WILL come again.

I’ve forwarded this to Spencer to post on our Facebook page. Great interview! So proud of you both.

Rev. Jeff Miner
Senior Pastor

LifeJourney Church
2950 East 55th Place
Indianapolis, Indiana 46220 USA

(317) 722-0000 x 103
Dumb republicans, I used to be one but because of their stance on equal rights they don't deserve anybody's vote. Indiana is so backwards I'm so happy I'm no longer a resident there.
Rick Cox said…
So for one item you don't agree with, you are going to vote for anti-Americans like Obama? You are not as smart as you think you are if this is the case.
I'm an Independent. The Democrats are even worse, they don't honor our Constitution.
I really wish I could state my feelings towards the idiot lawmakers of Indiana without fear of going to jail. I can say that my voting options will be extreemly selective and all businesses wanting to expand or grow in this state should be forwarned as to bigotted legislators and urged not to come here.
What the heck? Is this a game?
Good old conservative Indiana. Let's denied people on a marriage that basically comes down to religious beliefs not the law. Really Indiana! Who cares what life style your neighbors want to have. We sound like the middle east making people conform to the majority values. I not gay but really who cares let these couples be happy. Keep your religion values out of it because we all know that is really what it comes to. If you don't like it vote this people out of office.
Quincy Owens said…
"We'll hold on to Wednesday because Wednesday will come again." My wonderful friend Ernest Disney-Britton on the news tonight. Wise, patient, loving and optimistic are just a few words to describe this awesome guy!
James Anthony said…
You were wonderful on TV. Very eloquent!!!
Jason Britton said…
If it doesn't work out, WE RIOT!!!! ADICA, ADICA
Denise Amos said…
Amazing that you afford them more respect than they give you.

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