30 yrs After Sikh Riots, Play Paints its Horrors in Music, Poetry

By Dipanita Nath

INDIA---Thirty years after the anti-Sikh riots in Delhi, a theatre production from New York will replay its horrors through the stories of four young victims. Kultar’s Mime, an “immersive theatre experience” in which acting is supplemented with poetry, painting and music, will be staged at Akshara Theatre on Baba Kharak Singh Marg on October 30 and 31 and St Mark’s Girls’ School in Meerabagh on November 1. It opened at Harvard University on September 27, followed by shows in Boston, New Jersey, New York, Ottawa, Brampton and Toronto. The take-off point of the play is another massacre that had taken place 81 years before – of the Jewish population in the city of Kishinev, the capital of the Russian province of Bessarabia, on April 6, 1903. The plot revolves around a group of Jewish artists in New York City who are commemorating the Kishinev pogrom through an art exhibition and poetry reading. [link]
