Teacher, vice principal resign over gay fable

By Mark Schultz
Teacher Omar Currie reads a copy of a complaint a parent filed after he read the book ‘King & King” to his third grade students at Efland-Cheeks Elementary School. The school has upheld the use of the book, but a parent has appealed the superintendent. | MARK SCHULTZ mschultz@newsobserver.com
NORTH CAROLINA---The teacher and assistant principal at the center of a controversy around a gay fairy tale read to third graders have resigned. Omar Currie and Meg Goodhand of Efland-Cheeks Elementary School submitted resignation letters, Orange County Schools spokesman Seth Stephens said Monday. Currie had said he would resign because he felt administrators did not support him after he read “King & King,” in which two princes fall in love and get married. He has said he read the book after a boy in his class was called gay in a derogatory way and told he was acting like a girl. A school review committee upheld the use of the book twice. [link]

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