Korea announces $1 million to the Metropolitan Museum of Art
NEW YORK---The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York and the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism of the Republic of Korea signed a memorandum of understanding today at the Museum, establishing a long-term relationship of cooperation in the area of Korean art and culture. The agreement was signed on behalf of the Metropolitan Museum by Daniel H. Weiss, President, and on behalf of the Ministry by Seung Je Oh, Director of the Korean Cultural Service of New York. On this occasion, the Ministry further announced a gift of approximately $1 million (KRW 1,250,000,000) to the Metropolitan Museum, where the gift will fund initiatives over a three-year period, 2016–2018, including a major exhibition in 2018, enhancement of the presentation of Korean art in the Museum's Arts of Korea Gallery, and support for new collaborative scholarship.
NEW YORK---The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York and the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism of the Republic of Korea signed a memorandum of understanding today at the Museum, establishing a long-term relationship of cooperation in the area of Korean art and culture. The agreement was signed on behalf of the Metropolitan Museum by Daniel H. Weiss, President, and on behalf of the Ministry by Seung Je Oh, Director of the Korean Cultural Service of New York. On this occasion, the Ministry further announced a gift of approximately $1 million (KRW 1,250,000,000) to the Metropolitan Museum, where the gift will fund initiatives over a three-year period, 2016–2018, including a major exhibition in 2018, enhancement of the presentation of Korean art in the Museum's Arts of Korea Gallery, and support for new collaborative scholarship.