Marriage Equality's Place in Black History Month

By Ernest O. Disney-Britton
Ernest & Gregory Disney-Britton hold the ceremonial broom for Saturday's ritual 
Does marriage equality have a place in Black History Month? Enslaved blacks in America created families but did not have the freedom to marry until Emancipation in 1865. Black Americans also had interracial relationships but did not have the freedom to marry until 1967. Black gays and lesbians have always had loving relationships, but didn't have the freedom to marry until 2015. Yesterday, Indianapolis artists ended Black History Month with the African ritual of jumping the broom to celebrate marriage.

Promotional poster for Art & Soul 2016 sponsored by the Arts Council of Indianapolis
Mrs. Carolyn Lesmeister and Mr. Joshua Burkholder
Mandie & Debbie jump the broom
Charell Luckey and Joe Sisk jump the broom
Pastor Shellye and Ms. Lynette Bradford jump the broom
Gregory and Ernest Disney-Britton jumping the broom
Top to bottom right: Program Partners Dr. Kathleen Spears, American Pianist Association, Rob Dixon, Indianapolis Jazz Festival, Shannon Linker, Arts Council of Indianapolis, Keesha Dixon, Asante Children's Theatre; (bottom left) Mariah Ivey, Spoken Word Artist; and (bottom right) Ernest Disney-Britton, master of ceremonies