The Indigenous Art from Australia Comes to Massachusetts

Tommy Watson, Wipu Rockhole, 2004. Synthetic polymer paint on canvas. Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney, purchased with funds provided by the Aboriginal Collection Benefactors' Group 2004, 256.2004. © Tommy Watson. Courtesy of Yanda Aboriginal Art.
MASSACHUSETTS---"Everywhen: The Eternal Present in Indigenous Art from Australia" surveys contemporary Indigenous art from Australia, exploring the ways in which time is embedded within Indigenous artistic, social, historical, and philosophical life. For Indigenous people, the past is understood to be part of a cyclical and circular order known as the "everywhen;" conceptions of time rely on active encounters with both the ancestral and natural worlds. [link]

Harvard Art Museums: Everywhen: The Eternal Present in Indigenous Art from Australia (February 5–September 18, 2016); 32 Quincy Street, Cambridge, MA; (617) 495-9400;
