Fernando Botero’s Own Collection of Fantastical Figures at Rotterdam

By Nicholas Forrest
Santa Dorotea, 2014, Fernando Botero Oil paint on canvas, 188 x 100 cm
NETHERLANDS---“Botero: Celebrate Life!” at the Kunsthal Rotterdam until September 11 is a retrospective of the work of Colombian artist Fernando Botero, who is best known for his paintings and sculptures of figures with exaggerated proportions. Featuring almost a hundred paintings, sketches, and pastels, as well as a number of sculptures — all selected by Botero from his own collection — the exhibition offers a unique insight into the artist’s oeuvre through the prism of his personal favorite pieces. Highlights of the exhibition include the paintings “The Vatican Bathroom,” 2006, “Self Portrait with Guardian Angel,” 2015, “La Corrida,” 2002, among many others; and works on paper. [link]
"The Vatican Bathroom" (2006) by Fernando Botero Oil paint on canvas, 151 x 202 cm

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