Jewish Artist Has Eye On The ArtPrize
By Suzanne Chessler
MICHIGAN---Jeffrey Bussell learned home repairs from his dad, an engineer, while growing up in Southfield. Although moving away from engineering and into law, Bussell maintained a set of tools to fix household problems at his own home in Farmington Hills. It wasn’t necessarily beauty that attracted him — artistically expressed ideas also caught his eye. Babi Yar has been accepted by this year’s ArtPrize, the artistic display and competition held through Oct. 9 in Grand Rapids. Bussell’s three-dimensional work, a large disintegrating Star of David made of people-shaped wooden pegs, memorializes the 1941 massacre of nearly 34,000 Jews in the Ukraine ravine known as Babi Yar. [link]
By Suzanne Chessler
Jeffrey Bussell’s sculpture Babi Yar |