By Greg & Ernest Disney-Britton
The face of Christ in Mark Wallinger's "Ecce Homo" (1999) at St. Pauls. Courtesy of St. Paul's Cathedral
Mark Wallinger’s life-sized sculpture of Christ, "Ecce Homo," took to the road in the UK, this spring, and Alpha Omega Arts is taking to the road this summer. While we're not headed to the UK, you are invited to join us on three road trips to Chicago, IL (June 24), Cleveland, OH (July 15), and Williamstown, KY (August 6), to explore religious fashion, artifacts, and an ark. It's been five years since our last series of summer road trips, and we’re excited to bring them back! Over the last 40-days of Lent when Alpha Omega Arts paused publishing, we spent that time in prayer and planning for the future. We returned on Easter Sunday, April 16, with a new mission statement and new goals. We also agreed that these road trips are one of the most enjoyable ways to share this passion with other artists and collectors. So, mark your calendars, and prepare to take to the road. Yes, Lent is over, and we're back!

Today's Prayer: Heavenly Father, Thank you for the sacrifice of your son. Thank you for the period of Lent to remind us of the importance of sacrifice. Thank you for renewing our spirits, and for a new mission and new goals for the years ahead. 

For other NEWS OF WEEK from across the USA, and around the world, see below:
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This October 12-15, Cincinnati will host its first Blink festival, an evening art event with large-scale media and interactive art that will animate buildings throughout 20 city blocks, and Alpha Omega Arts will sponsor a road trip that Saturday.
Saturday's Movie Night - "The Promise" tells the story of the Armenian genocide of WWI at the hands of the Turks and with the support of the German army