Iconographic summary of the bible by Chicago artist Daniel Mitsui

"The Crucifixion" by Daniel Mitsui. Image courtesy of Art for God's Sake
CHICAGO---Christian artist Daniel Mitsui is seeking support for his new project, Summula Pictoria, an iconographic summary of the Old and New Testaments. Over the next fourteen years, from Easter 2017 to Easter 2031, the artist plans to illustrate those events of the bible that are most prominent in Roman Catholic liturgy and patristic exegesis. In his May e-newsletter, he describes his goal for every image to be detailed and "thoroughly considered and significant." The final project will consist of 235 drawings. Additionally, Mitsui also launched a blog at danielmitsui.blogspot.com about Christian art principles and symbolism.
"Second Dream of St. Joseph" by Daniel Mitsui
