Collecting: Colin Harrison is mad about maps. So is his latest character.
Show Us Your Walls
By Kathryn Shattuck
You Belong to Me.” Like Reeves, Mr. Harrison is a map obsessive with a passion for New York City and a longing for things lost, or soon to be. Unlike Reeves, whose imaginary Manhattan apartment boasts a large display gallery, Mr. Harrison’s collection lines four stories of his 1890s brownstone in Park Slope, Brooklyn. How did he start his collection? "Probably about 20 years ago I walked into a frame shop and there was a map of Manhattan, and I bought it. And that was the beginning of the end." [More]
Show Us Your Walls
By Kathryn Shattuck
You Belong to Me.” Like Reeves, Mr. Harrison is a map obsessive with a passion for New York City and a longing for things lost, or soon to be. Unlike Reeves, whose imaginary Manhattan apartment boasts a large display gallery, Mr. Harrison’s collection lines four stories of his 1890s brownstone in Park Slope, Brooklyn. How did he start his collection? "Probably about 20 years ago I walked into a frame shop and there was a map of Manhattan, and I bought it. And that was the beginning of the end." [More]