After a long delay, the Palestinian Museum debuts with a star-studded show about Jerusalem

By Hili Perlson
Khalil Rabah, 48%, 67%, detail from Palestine after Palestine New Sites for the Museum Department, 2017. Steel. Installation view, Sharjah Biennial 13.
JERUSALEM---The Palestinian Museum in Birzeit—located just north of Jerusalem, in the West Bank—is opening its inaugural show this Sunday after a 15-month delay. The exhibition is curated by Reem Fadda, the former ­associate curator for Middle Eastern art at the Guggenheim Abu Dhabi. Fadda’s show, titled “Jerusalem Lives,” explores the role of Jerusalem as a global city and features works by nearly 50 artists including Oscar Murillo, Kahlil Rabah, and Adrián Villar Rojas. The idea behind this presentation is to recreate the chaos and noise of the holy city. Jerusalem Lives” will be on view in the Palestinian Museum, Birzeit, from August 27-December 15, 2017. [More]
The Palestinian Museum in Birzeit. Courtesy The Palestinian Museum.

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