For collector Tony Kushner, it’s angels over the breakfast nook

Show Us Your Walls
By Brett Sokol
Mark Harris, left, and Tony Kushner in the living room of their Provincetown house. Hanging above is one of Kukuli Velarde’s angel sculptures. Credit Kayana Szymczak for The New York Times
PROVINCETOWN, Mass. — “I don’t have a big angel collection, but …” the “Angels in America” playwright Tony Kushner insisted with an embarrassed laugh. After all, evidence to the contrary — via a sculpture’s outstretched wings — nearly smacked a reporter in the head as he entered Mr. Kushner’s home here. Suspended from the ceiling, just past the doorway, was an infant-size ceramic angel created by the Peruvian-born Philadelphia artist Kukuli Velarde — one of four such angels hanging in the house Mr. Kushner shares with his husband, Mark Harris. Provincetown artists (also) feature prominently in their home. [More]

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