Mormons create exhibition of Saudi contemporary art revealing unexpected common ground

Abdulnasser Gharem_The Path_2012_Silkscreen on paper_ 51x70.9in_129.6x180cm (1)
SALT LAKE CITY---“Cities of Conviction" examines the parallels between spiritual and urban cultures in Saudi Arabia and Utah; and especially the symbolism of creativity that connects cities of pilgrimage in both places," says exhibition curator, Jared Steffensen. "Since the 7th Century, the holy cities of Makkah and Medina have drawn millions of Muslim pilgrims every year to worship at the holiest sites in Islam, the Kaaba (House of God) in Makkah and the Tomb of the Prophet in Medina. The common histories of these cities extend well beyond issues of faith. Cities across both Utah and Saudi Arabia arose from the desert; have laws driven, in large part, by the predominant religion, and at first blush have comparatively conservative cultures. [More]

Utah Museum of Contemporary Art: "Cities of Conviction" (Through January 6, 2018); 20 S. West Temple Salt Lake City, UT; (801)328.4201;
Area Al Neami, Never Never Land 2, 2014. Diasec mounted on photographic print, 40 x 60 cm.

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