Palestinian Museum highlights Jerusalem's isolation

By Nigel Wilson
Iraqi/Dutch artist Athar Jabar created Stone - Opus 15, a Palestinian stone installation that explores the importance of stone in the religious and everyday landscape of Jerusalem
BIRZEIT, Occupied West Bank---Outside the white-walled facade of the Palestinian Museum in Birzeit, a cacophony of sharp, demanding voices disturbed the quiet. The sound installation, Untitled (Servees) by Emily Jacir, brought a chaotic urban scene to a sleepy hilltop in the occupied West Bank for the launch of Jerusalem Lives, the inaugural exhibition at the Palestinian Museum. The museum's formal opening was set for Sunday evening. Inside the museum, the exhibition begins with a colourful display that explores the representation of Jerusalem in popular culture and the media. Scale models of the Dome of the Rock are placed in front of screens depicting news footage of conflict in Jerusalem, and the imagery continues in a series of posters archived by the Palestinian Poster Project. [More]
Various images of al-Haram al-Sharif and the Dome of the Rock line the hallway outside the Jerusalem Lives exhibition [Nigel Wilson/Al Jazeera]

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