Collectors Mr. & Mrs. Frist: She prefers art that’s ‘in your face’

Show Us Your Walls
By Ted Loos
Billy and Jennifer Frist with Doug Aitken’s “RIOT” (2011).CreditCreditEric Ryan Anderson for The New York Times
NASHVILLE — It would be easier to list the famous photographers that Billy and Jennifer Frist don’t collect. Lining the walls of their hilltop home, once featured in Architectural Digest, are images by dozens of the greatest practitioners of the genre (Diane Arbus, William Eggleston, Berenice Abbott, Sally Mann). Even though they own more than a thousand photographs that range widely in era, subject and style, the Frists don’t emphasize numbers, in either scope or value. The Frists’ own mini-museum at home is loosely organized by genre. “So we have high-fashion upstairs, and we have the Southern things downstairs,” Ms. Frist said[More]
Pieter Hugo’s “The Hyena Men of Abuja, Nigeria” (2005). Eric Ryan Anderson for The New York Times
Doug and Mike Starn’s photographs from the series “alleverythingthatisyou.” Mike and Doug Starn/Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York; Eric Ryan Anderson for The New York Times
A portrait of Angelina Jolie by Martin Schoeller. Eric Ryan Anderson for The New York Times

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