Value soars for Leonardo da Vinci drawing after ‘Salvator Mundi’

By Scott Reyburn
A rediscovered two-sided drawing by Leonardo da Vinci that the Paris auction house Tajan will be offering for public sale on June 19, 2019. Courtesy Tajan
The Paris auction house Tajan will offer a rediscovered drawing by Leonardo da Vinci at public sale on June 19, for the first time, testing the market for a work by the Renaissance master after the extraordinary sale of “Salvator Mundi” last year. The sale will come almost 500 years after da Vinci died, in May 1519, at Amboise, France. The double-sided artwork was rediscovered in March 2016 in a private French collection by Thaddée Prate, an old master specialist at Tajan. One side features a vigorous pen and ink drawing of Saint Sebastian tied to a tree, the other inscribed scientific studies of candle light, also in pen and ink. [More]

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