The Chennai Photo Biennale in India Promises to be a Treat

By Rohan Manoj
A work by 3rd Space Lab Collective | Photo Credit: Special Arrangement
What do we see through a glass darkly? Mere reflections, or a façade hiding an eldritch realm that lies just beyond our ken, populated by demons plotting to invade the material world and devour all mankind? The ancient Chinese believed the latter, dubbing these creatures the ‘fauna of mirrors’ — and this concept has been adopted as the title for the second edition of the Chennai Photo Biennale (CPB). The Biennale, an international festival of photography co-founded and co-organised by the CPB Foundation and the Goethe Institut/ Max Mueller Bhavan, Chennai, will be open to the public from February 22 to March 24, and will feature works by more than 100 artists from 13 countries, with exhibitions in various venues across the city, including heritage sites. [More]
A work by Cop Shiva | Photo Credit: Special Arrangement

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