The Statue of Liberty Hails Satan on New Poster Art [Sundance]

By Brad Miska
Ahead of the Sundance Film Festival premiere, Magnolia Pictures shared the official artwork for Hail Satan?, which depicts the Statue of Liberty turned into Baphomet. This should piss a few people off…Penny Lane’s film charts the rise of The Satanic Temple, a mysterious organisation led by Lucien Greaves that has called for a Satanic revolution to save the soul of the US. Magnolia plans a spring 2019 theatrical release. “Penny Lane has crafted an eye-opening and completely satisfying film about outsiders who have united around the common causes of love and religious freedom,” said Magnolia president Eamonn Bowles when first announced by ScreenDaily. “Hail Satan? is as uplifting and hilarious as it is thought-provoking.” [More]

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