Exhibition Featuring Rare Artwork From Japan on Display at the Cleveland Museum of Art

By Kaylyn Hlavaty
Seated Tenjin, 1259. Kamakura period (1185–1333). Wood with color; 94.9 x 101.5 x 68.8 cm. Yoki Tenman Jinja, Nara. Important Cultural Property. Photo: Nara National Museum
CLEVELAND---The Cleveland Museum of Art is welcoming an exclusive exhibition straight from Japan, featuring 20 works designated as Important Cultural Properties by the Japan government. The exhibition, Shinto: Discovery of the Divine in Japanese Art, features art exemplifying Shinto, which is Japan's unique belief system focused on the divine phenomena called kami. The exhibition is an expression of the everyday engagement of people with divinities in their midst, according to a release from the museum. Inside the exhibition about 125 works in different media—from calligraphy, painting, sculpture, costume and decorative arts— are a collection of more than 20 religious institutions and museums in Japan. [More]

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